Book One of The Airon Chronicles, a science fiction adventure...

Awareness follows a group of 108 people who escape encroaching nanotechnology on Earth by embarking on a journey across the stars to colonize a recently detected planet, Airon. They travel aboard an intelligent spaceship who, after arriving on Airon, recycles itself into buildings, vehicles, and technologies that benefit the Earthens, as well as mysterious creations that eerily appear from the ship without explanation.

As The 108 establish Home Base, they venture forth to explore Airon's forests, rivers, and mountains. Some Earthens readily feel a profound bond with Airon's plant life, while others keep themselves hidden within the confines of Home Base.

Despite growing connections with Airon and the life that surrounds them, some Earthens remain suspicious of the mysterious technologies and events that occur on Airon. They feel threatened by the ship's abilities, which seem similar to the invasive nanotechnology that they so recently escaped.

The story explores themes of humanity's connection to nature, finding inner wisdom and cooperation amongst diversity, and exploring the mysteries of life. There are hints of a deeper calling behind The 108's journey to Airon, an inner wrestling with existential questions about their purpose and destiny.


A Journey of Truth…or Treachery

Airon, a self-aware planet of beauty and light,
shepherding her creatures across the eons.

The Narsis of Airon tend the Below. Narsis move gently through their lives, explore Stream and Meadow, visit Overlook to meet their ancient partners, the Eglans, as they witness the setting sun, end of day, and share the beauty of their wandering.

Narsis and Eglans blend Below and Above.

Always it has been. In all of Awareness.

The Eglans of Airon tend the Above. Eglans have strong beaks and flamboyant tails. The Eglans are shy. The Eglans speak in short phrases, communicating concepts mainly through visual images.

Eglans soar!
Soar high over Forest
Leave Nest to soar!
Brush wings
Dip Pond
Stomp feet
Clack beaks
Bring Above
Above to Below

Birdlings float, a turquoise cloud, over towering forests and sparkling seas, alighting on Lone Tree, tumbling down through broad branches, to tell their stories and laugh their amazement. Lone Tree holds them lightly, breathes the essence that is Airon to sparkle amidst countless wings, wings of turquoise and light.

The blue fruit of Airon heals, replenishes, awakens all who discover its beauty. The blue fruit is elusive and ever-present. The blue fruit may open your eyes or dull your senses. The blue fruit carries the essence of awareness in its every morsel.

From the Author

Writing creatively is a process that connects the writer with something outside oneself, something powerful, something magical. I think of it as a connection with the Divine. Vargad would call it a connection with Source.

Over the years of my life, I have found this creative connection through meditation, gardening, painting with watercolor, and even sitting on an Oregon hillside watching llamas, ducks, chickens, and cats go about their day, happily mingling, murmuring their stories, exploring their world.

One of the main themes running through Awareness is, quite simply, discovering the awareness that permeates every living thing as well as the seemingly empty void of everything in between. As Harper says, “There are lots of words to describe beauty and inspiration and something greater, something outside of me that is also a part of me, a connection that is real. An awareness that is intelligent and active and always there.”

I am grateful to Harper, Vargad, Aadhya, and Ava for whispering their words into my heart, waiting patiently while I typed them onto my screen, so we can now offer them to you.